• 21:19
  • Monday ,17 June 2013

Egypt appoints 17 governors, including 8 Islamists

By the Times Online

Home News


Monday ,17 June 2013

Egypt appoints 17 governors, including 8 Islamists

Egypt's president has appointed 17 new provincial governors, including seven members of his Muslim Brotherhood, adding to its power.

Mohammed Morsi's appointments Sunday come before the June 30 anniversary of taking office, when the liberal and secular Egyptian opposition plans mass demonstrations to demand his ouster.
The appointments mean the Brotherhood controls the governorships in 10 out of the country's 27 provinces.
Military and police generals run at least nine other provinces. A member of the former militant group Gamaa Islamiya was appointed governor of ancient city of Luxor.
Some of the provinces ruled by Brotherhood governors are opposition strongholds, such as the Nile Delta provinces of Gharbiya and Menoufia.