• 20:20
  • Thursday ,20 June 2013

Brotherhood's FJP condemns violent protests over new Islamist governors


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Thursday ,20 June 2013

Brotherhood's FJP condemns violent protests over new Islamist governors

The Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party has condemned violent protests in Gharbiya over the appointment of a new governor. 

Clashes in the Nile Delta governorate on Tuesday between supporters and opponents of Governor Ahmed El-Beili, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, injured 26, according to the health ministry.
"The violence on Tuesday reveals the plots being hatched by a helpless opposition allying with former regime figures that are designed to drag the country into unrest," the FJP said on Wednesday.
The party accused the anti-government Rebel campaign and the National Salvation Front (NSF) of working together with hired thugs to ignite violence across several governorates.
Member of both groups had attacked supporters of newly appointed governors in Daqahliya, Menoufiya, Beheira, Luxor and Beni Suef, the party added.
On Sunday, President Morsi appointed seven Brotherhood members as regional governors – a move that sparked widespread allegations of a Brotherhood "power grab."
In a Wednesday statement, the FJP blamed the opposition groups for torching its office in Gharbiya's Tanta on Tuesday. It also claimed a peaceful march by its members in Alexandria was assaulted by thugs.
"History shows all Islamist protests end peacefully while Rebel and NSF protests end with Molotov cocktails, birdshot and the vandalism of state instituitions and private property," the party added.
Daqahliya, Menoufiya, Damietta and other cities have witnessed protests against the appointment of Islamist governors since Sunday.
The most controversial appointment was that of Luxor Governor Adel El-Khayat, a member of Al-Gamaa Al-Islamiya. His group played a role in the murder of at least 58 foreign tourists and four Egyptians in the infamous 1997 Luxor massacre. Local residents and members of the tourism sector have protested his appointment.The group has since renounced violence
The FJP criticised NSF leaders – Mohamed ElBaradei, Amr Moussa, and Hamdeen Sabbahi – for their failure to enter dialogue with the president's backers, and their alliance with Mubarak-era figures.
The FJP reiterated its calls for dialogue and initiatives against violence.
Islamist forces and sympathisers will hold pro-government rallies on Friday, 21 June to 'renounce violence'.