• 02:23
  • Monday ,01 July 2013

Egypt: 5 ministers meet to consider resignation

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Monday ,01 July 2013

Egypt: 5 ministers meet to consider resignation

Egypt's official news agency says five cabinet ministers are meeting to consider resigning their posts and joining the mass protests calling on the Islamist president to step down.

The MENA agency said Monday that the ministers of communication, tourism, legal affairs, environment and utilities met at the Communications Ministry in a suburb west of Cairo to consider resigning.
News of their meeting followed an ultimatum to President Mohammed Morsi by the organizers of the protests to step down at 5 p.m. Tuesday. They also called on the military and the police to clearly state their support for the protesters.
Sunday saw millions of Egyptians taking to the streets in Cairo and across much of the nation to demand Morsi's ouster.