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  • Friday ,05 July 2013

Egyptians to Obama and CNN: “why you are supporting terrorism?”

By the INReport

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Saturday ,06 July 2013

Egyptians to Obama and CNN: “why you are supporting terrorism?”

Egyptian impeached Morsi, they did it on their own, they just did it by peaceful protesting only, exactly as they did two years ago with the old dictator Mubarak, So why CNN and Obama administration see it’s a coup?

The Egyptian Army honorably responded to the people’s voice, the elections that brought Morsi to power to was under Egyptian army supervision, so it’s totally normal for Egyptian people when they want to do a “Recall/popular Impeachment” to ask for their own army, also to protect them from a fascist and his terrorist gang (Muslim Brotherhood), let’s see some of the extremists criminals who support Morsi:
Ayman Al Zawahry - current leader of the militant Islamistorganization al-Qaeda.

Sheikh Assem Abdel Maged - Jama’a al-Islamiya Shura Council member. And convicted with murdering innocent people in Assiut (Upper Egypt) in the 90’s famous explosions.
Jama’a al-Islamiya gears up to counter anti-Morsy rebellions
Sheikh Aboud al-Zomr and his cousin Tarek al-Zomr – The main executor who assassinated “El Sadat” former Egyptian President In 1981.
Hany El Farnawany – One of top leaders of Jihad military squad.
Sheikh Magdy Salem – The Top leader of al-Jihad.
Safwat Abdel Ghany – one of top leaders of Jama’a al-Islamiya Co-assisted in Refaat El Mahgoub (former prime minister) assassination.
Ahmed Al-Taher - one of the squad that assassinated “El Sadat” former Egyptian President.
Mohamed Abo Samra – Secretary General of Islamic Jihadist Party
Saleh Jaheen - convicted accomplice in “El Sadat” Assassination Case.

Those are just shortlist and tiny sample of the army of terrorists who support Morsi, how they don’t support him after he brought them to the light spots and made them distinguished politicians! He was too keen to be surrounded by those who can carry guns and explosive to kill innocent Egyptians, their criminal records is the best proof that they are very capable of that! Simply they are the best fit for that dirty job.

Here some samples of what the Pro-Morsi protesters did in the last couple of days,

Pro-Morsi Wahhabis Vow to Suicide Bomb Everyone Opposed to Them & to Set Christians on Fire (Video)
Muslim Brotherhood member shot and kill some innocent, and want to frame Army officer (Video)
Muslim Brotherhood members assault military police officer and soldier (Video).

Muslim Brotherhood members shot innocent randomly in a residential area, and kill the Police deputy (Video)

Imagine that some of those ex-felons were in Morsi’s Constituent Assembly!! What a rehabilitation!
I think now you can imagine how deformed and extreme the end product of these group therapy sessions "it the worst constitution ever made in the Egyptian history and its normal place will be the trash can” – Dr.Mohamed ElBaradei once stated! He’s as CNN described him: “lawyer, diplomat, civil servant and scholar, led UN arms inspectors before gulf war and former Director General of theInternational Atomic Energy Agency till 2009 , He and the IAEA were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prizein 2005.and CNN described him with “Top contender to lead transitional government”

Did you watch in the 4th of July CNN interview with that man? The Godfather of the Egyptian revolution, guess what he said when Becky Anderson (Host of CNN International's Connect the World) asked him: “do you mean that you want to exclude them?” He replied “No! No absolutely...I would hope qualified people from the brotherhood, from the Salafists should be part in this (coming) government, we need everybody to be part of the political process, we need a cohesive society that is tolerant to respect each other’s differences”

ElBaradei: Morsy's ouster was needed so Egypt cannot 'fail'
This was not the only honorable man told CNN that what is happening in Egypt is not a coup,

When Christiane Amanpour (CNN Chief International Correspondent and host of CNN International's nightly interview program) asked Mr. Mohamed Tawfik the Egyptian ambassador to USA:
So, ambassador, has your country just gone under coup d'état?

he replied at once : “Absolutely Not! The Egyptian people have their voices heard, tens of millions of Egyptians went to the streets, and military stepped in, in order to preserve the country’s integrity, and the military have not put themselves in a position of running the country, and we know in the past when the military were actually running the country, they seized power voluntarily, so basically what we see is the continuation of the Egyptian revolution”

Egyptian ambassador: This was not a coup
hours ago, U.S. Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and U.S. Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY), the Committee’s Ranking Member, released the following statement in response to ongoing events in Egypt, From Washington DC:

"The decision by the Egyptian military to take state authority out of the hands of the ruling Muslim Brotherhood government marks another sharp turning point in Egypt’s incomplete revolution.  What the Brotherhood neglected to understand is that democracy means more than simply holding elections.  Real democracy requires inclusiveness, compromise, respect for human and minority rights, and a commitment to the rule of law.  Morsi and his inner circle did not embrace any of these principles and instead chose to consolidate power and rule by fiat.  As a result the Egyptian people and their economy suffered greatly.”