• 20:10
  • Friday ,12 July 2013

Islamists prepare for Cairo million-man demonstration Friday

By Aswat Masriya

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Friday ,12 July 2013

Islamists prepare for Cairo million-man demonstration Friday

More demonstrators flocked to the sit-in at Cairo's Rabaa al-Adaweya Mosque on Thursday in preparation for a million-man demonstration on Friday which the National Coalition for Supporting Legitimacy called for.

The demonstrators demand returning deposed president Mohamed Mursi to power and reversing what they call the military coup against democracy.
Hailing from different cities, many joined the sit-in at Rabaa today before breaking their fast on the second day of the holy month of Ramadan for fear of not being able to get to the mass demonstrations if they travel on Friday.
Several planned marches are expected to gather on Friday at Rabaa Mosque in Cairo and Nahda Square in Giza as well as Shubra al-Kheima and Moneeb areas then head to the presidential palace, the Republican Guard headquarters and the Ministry of Defence.
The state news agency correspondent reported that the demonstrators at Rabaa hung a new banner that has the colors of the Egyptian flag and says "Democracy against Coup".
They also put up several banners carrying Mursi's pictures and Egypt's flag all over the square.
The demonstrators placed posters in various languages, including English and French, to acquaint foreign media reporters with the demands of peaceful, pro-legitimacy supporters.