• 05:51
  • Friday ,02 August 2013

Rebel campaign compares Morsi to Hitler in meeting with German FM

By Ahram Online

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Friday ,02 August 2013

Rebel campaign compares Morsi to Hitler in meeting with German FM

Representatives of the anti-Morsi 'Rebel' campaign expressed their discontent with Germany's stance on the ouster of former president Mohamed Morsi in a meeting with German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle on Wednesday.

"We told him we resented some of his statements where he asked for the return of the deposed president [Mohamed Morsi]," said Rebel spokesman Mahmoud Badr on his Facebook page after meeting Westerwelle in Cairo.

"We told him we're here to see him to tell him about the story of Hitler who came by his people's votes but  turned against democracy. Why did you reject Hitler in Germany but want him back in Egypt?" added Badr.

Westerwelle, who arrived in Cairo on Wednesday to meet with Egypt's interim president and several political figures, including representatives of Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood, has requested a meeting with Morsi. In response to his request, the Egyptian presidency issued a vague statement hinting that it might not have the authority to allow such a visit.

In a press statement issued on Wednesday, Westerwelle also demanded the release of Morsi, describing him as a political prisoner.

Badr said that Westerwelle denied making such a statement adding that Germany "respects the will and choices of the Egyptian people."

Morsi has been held incommunicado at a secret location since he was removed from the presidency by the military on 3 July following mass nationwide protests demanding his ouster.

Westerwelle is scheduled to meet with his Egyptian counterpart Nabil Fahmy on Thursday to discuss the regional affairs and the democratic transition in Egypt.