• 23:17
  • Tuesday ,13 August 2013

Morsy supporters surround High Court

By-Almasry Alyoum

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Tuesday ,13 August 2013

Morsy supporters surround High Court

Hundreds of supporters of ousted President Mohamed Morsy started a fresh sit-in outside the High Court in central Cairo.

Protesters surrounded the building, which houses the office of Prosecutor General Hesham Barakat, demanding his dismissal and accusing him of failing to deliver justice for pro-Morsy protesters killed since the president's overthrow.
Pro-Morsy protesters also say they hold Barakat accountable for what they describe as “the illegal detention of the president,” along with 10 of his aides.
Morsy and key presidential staffers have been held incommunicado since army chief and Defence Minister General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi announced the president was out on 3 July.
The "anti-coup" march set out from Fath mosque in Ramses Square bound for Rabaa al-Adaweya, the site of the main sit-in demanding Morsy be reinstated.
Demonstrators could be heard chanting against Egypt's army and police.
The march then changed course, heading for the prosecutor general's office, to denounce "the campaign of arrests and incitement against the leaders of the Islamist movement."