• 05:06
  • Wednesday ,31 March 2010

Egypt Baradei meets delegations of Copts, artists

By-Egypt News

Home News


Wednesday ,31 March 2010

Egypt Baradei meets delegations of Copts, artists
Ex-UN nuclear chief and potential candidate in Egypt's 2011 presidential election Mohamed ElBaradei met yesterday with artists and Coptic activists
ElBaradei emphasized during his meeting with Coptic activists the crucial role of the state in protecting Copts and ensuring their safety as Egyptian citizens.
ElBaradei said that problems of Copts should be addressed internally and not internationalized.
A leader in the Karama Party Amin Eskandar said that ElBaradei underscored the importance of making the Constitution the sole reference point for Egyptians, urging Copts to refer back to the church only in matters relating to religion.
ElBaradei also said that the field for specifying religion on identity cards and other official documents is a sectarian classification of Egyptians.
ElBaradei met separately with a delegation of artists that included movie directors Dawoud Abdel Sayyed, Magdi Ahmed Ali, Khaled Youssef, Youssri Nasrallah, Hala Khalil, and actors Naglaa Fathi, Basma, and Khaled Abul Naga, all of whom signed ElBaradei's statement titled "Together We Can Introduce Change."