• 06:10
  • Monday ,04 November 2013

Former MB leader: Shafiq won the last presidential election


Home News


Monday ,04 November 2013

Former MB leader: Shafiq won the last presidential election

CAIRO: Former Muslim Brotherhood leader Khaled al-Za’afrany, said on Saturday that the 2012 parliamentary elections were forged by the Brotherhood.

 Za’afrany revealed during an interview on al-Qahira w al-Nas TV channel that former presidential candidate Ahmed Shafiq actually won the 2012 presidential elections.
 He added that he was involved in a smuggling operation for electoral cards in 1987, when he was still member of the Brotherhood.
 Za’afrany said during the 2012 elections, the Brotherhood forged the electoral cards which were directly sent to MB staff inside the elections polls.
 He added that he met with Salafi figures before the elections and they said they knew about the forgery.