• 05:50
  • Wednesday ,06 November 2013

Egypt captures terrorist networks with plans to attack

By Aswat Masriya

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Wednesday ,06 November 2013

Egypt captures terrorist networks with plans to attack
A State Security prosecutor ordered on Tuesday that 17 extremists be detained for 15 days pending investigations into allegations that they participated in terrorist activities or had plans to, a local newspaper reported. 
Al-Shorouk newspaper said that some of the defendants had planned to launch attacks on Monday in light of ousted President Mohamed Mursi’s trial.
Investigations revealed that some of the defendants are responsible for bombing gas lines in the past and facilitating the entry of terrorists through the Gaza Strip to receive training. 
Investigations also revealed that some were in contact with one al-Qaeda member while others decided to move their activities to the cities after the July 30 uprising, which they considered a war on Islam. 
They were also accused of threatening national security. 
The defendants have denied all charges.