• 11:11
  • Monday ,19 April 2010

Egypt ElBaradei association files complaint

By-Egypt News

Home News


Monday ,19 April 2010

Egypt ElBaradei association files complaint

The lawyer for the coordinator of ElBaradei's campaign in Kuwait filed a report with the Attorney General yesterday against the Egyptian Interior Minister, the head of Daqahliya security and the judicial officer at the Meet Ghamr police station

Attorney Abdallah Mansour filed the complaint protesting the continued imprisonment of coordinator Tareq Tharwat, following his deportation from Kuwait.
Mansour said Tharwat was originally arrested for issuing a bad check, but should have been released when the ruling was appealed. Instead, Mansour said, Tharwat was transferred to the Khalifa police station.
Meanwhile, Ahmed Tharwat, brother of Tareq, said his brother's arrest is a form of political retaliation for Tharwat launching a campaign in support of ElBaradei in Kuwait.
In other news, ElBaradei, former head of the International Atomic Energy Agency and potential contender for the 2011 presidential election, began a one-month visit to the United States and several European capitals.
During his trip, he will deliver a lecture on nuclear non-proliferation at Harvard University and meet with Egyptian communities in Europe.
Hassan Nafaa, general coordinator for the National Association for Change founded by ElBaradei, said his absence will not affect the activities of the association, as communications between members and ElBaradei will continue.
On his Twitter page, ElBaradei said he will participate in a meeting in Geneva to help choose an African recipient for the Good Governance award, which has a cash prize of US$5 million financed by businessman Mohamed Ibrahim.
The award is given to an African ruler who was elected democratically and left office after serving two terms.
ElBaradei said he hopes the award will one day to go an Arab ruler.