• 01:57
  • Wednesday ,13 November 2013

War of Attrition by the MB

Ezzat Boulos

Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,13 November 2013

War of Attrition by the MB

The terrorist group of the Muslim Brotherhood is waging a war of attrition against the Egyptian state in two ways. First, it moves its supporters to protest in vital places causing massive traffic jam. Additionally, they use huge financial support to reserve their presence in the streets hoping that ousted president Mohamed Morsy will come back as leader of their imaginary so-called Islamic caliphate. 

Second, the Muslim Brotherhood is doing its best to exhaust the intellectuals in Egypt by fighting fake battles like the ones in the fifty-members committee to amend the 2012 constitution, which al-Nour party plays a significant role in magnifying such battles and disputes to hinder finishing the amendments. This should give many countries a chance to attack Egypt and its government for their own interests.
The officials in Egypt seems to have forgotten about the demands few months ago of Salafist leaders, whose al-Nour party is their political arm, to get rid of historical statues in Egypt as well as Egyptian antiquities considering them “idols”. Moreover, they refused to congratulate the Christians on their feasts considering them “infidels”. How come we forgot about the crimes of the Salafist group of Prevention of Vice and the Promotion of Virtue that killed a young man in Suez only for walking with his fiancé in the street! Furthermore, the Salafis have dragged and killed Shiites in the streets, and overthrew a Coptic governor in Qena by force, etc.
The revolution of June 30 clearly demanded a civil constitution for a civil state. However, the Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters are still manipulating Egypt and its future.