• 14:22
  • Thursday ,02 January 2014

Ministry of Justice requests Qatar to apprehend and deliver Assem Abdel-Maged


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Thursday ,02 January 2014

Ministry of Justice requests Qatar to apprehend and deliver Assem Abdel-Maged

CAIRO: The International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Justice received Monday the memorandum of the Attorney General that lists the accusations against the Gamaa Islamiyya leader Assem Abdel-Maged, Judge Adel Fahmy, Deputy Minister of Justice for International Cooperation told Youm7 Tuesday.CAIRO: The International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Justice received Monday the memorandum of the Attorney General that lists the accusations against the Gamaa Islamiyya leader Assem Abdel-Maged, Judge Adel Fahmy, Deputy Minister of Justice for International Cooperation told Youm7 Tuesday.

Fahmy said that the memorandum, along with the relevant authorized application of his name listed in Egypt’s airport watch list, were delivered Tuesday to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in order to send a request to Qatari authorities to arrest Abdel-Maged, who fled the country following the ouster of Mohamed Morsi.
He pointed out that the request is based on an extradition treaty signed by Arab League members, binding Qatar to apprehend Abdel-Maged,
Fahmy added that the International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs acts as a mediator between the ministry and the Attorney General regarding fugitives.
The memorandum also states the charges that Abel-Maged faces, including inciting violence through speeches at Rabaa Al-Adawya square, during which he threatened anti-Morsi protestors, and inciting acts of terrorism threatening Egypt’s national security, along with other charges, said Fahmy. He added that the memorandum also includes the investigation reports from Egyptian authorities and other reports from the Interpol regarding the penalties for the crimes he committed.
However, Fahmy stated that the extradition treaty signed by the Arab countries is not binding.