• 02:45
  • Tuesday ,07 January 2014

Dar al-Iftaa: Individual jihad is prohibited


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Tuesday ,07 January 2014

Dar al-Iftaa: Individual jihad is prohibited

CAIRO: Dar al-Iftaa, an Islamic research and educational institute, said jihad in Islam has a humanitarian objective, to eliminate injustice and protect the right of people to choose their faith.CAIRO: Dar al-Iftaa, an Islamic research and educational institute, said jihad in Islam has a humanitarian objective, to eliminate injustice and protect the right of people to choose their faith.

It added in a statement that jihad should be supervised by state institutions and the leaders of the country, stressing that those leaders should bear the responsibility of any fateful decisions.
Individuals are not allowed to participate in jihad without taking into account the necessary conditions in this regard not to challenge the interests of the people and their lives, according to the statement.
The individual approach could fuel sedition and civil disputes among Muslims and so people should turn to authorities before participating in the struggle of other people against oppression, the statement read.
It added that the institutions of the state should consider the regional and international repercussions of taking such a step and not to allow suspicious authorities to use those people who participate in jihad to achieve their interests and agendas.
The statement stressed the right of fathers to prevent their sons from traveling to participate in jihad, adding that sons should obey their fathers.