• 00:26
  • Friday ,17 January 2014

Low voter turnout among Nour Party youth


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Friday ,17 January 2014

Low voter turnout among Nour Party youth

Despite a high turnout among Salafi Nour Party members in the constitutional referendum, many of the party’s young members did not participate, the party’s deputy head Yasser Borhami said in a telephone interview with Mehwer Channel on Thursday.Despite a high turnout among Salafi Nour Party members in the constitutional referendum, many of the party’s young members did not participate, the party’s deputy head Yasser Borhami said in a telephone interview with Mehwer Channel on Thursday.

In the weeks leading up to the referendum, the Nour Party launched a campaign to support the new draft constitution. Their efforts to mobilize people included organizing conferences in villages across Egypt’s governorates to raise awareness on constitutional articles, and renting vehicles to transport voters to polling stations.