• 10:52
  • Tuesday ,22 April 2014

Qaradawy strikes conciliatory tone to satisfy Saudi Arabia


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Tuesday ,22 April 2014

Qaradawy strikes conciliatory tone to satisfy Saudi Arabia

Chairperson of the International Union of the Muslim Scholars Yusuf al-Qaradawy contactedthe Saudi government through mediators to clarify his viewpoint regarding the Saudi-Qatari differences.Chairperson of the International Union of the Muslim Scholars Yusuf al-Qaradawy contactedthe Saudi government through mediators to clarify his viewpoint regarding the Saudi-Qatari differences.

According to London-based Al-Arab Newspaper, sources in Riyadh said that Qaradawy expressed appreciation to the Saudi King, stressing that he will not participate in any activities aiming to harm the interests of Saudi Arabia.

Qaradawy was one of the main points of dispute in a disagreement witnessed between Qatar and a number of Gulf States, including Saudi Arabia, the Emirates and Bahrain, due to his sermons, in which he rebuked the positions adopted by the governments of these countries with regards to Egypt’s June 30 demonstrations.

These countries have since decided to withdraw their envoys from Doha, in a surprise move that is unprecedented on the scale of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).

The sources added that the Muslim cleric called on the mediators to inform the Saudi leadership that he looks forward to visiting Riyadh in the upcoming period to receive treatment. They added that he chose Saudi as he is banned from entering a number of European countries that he visitedpreviously for the same objective.

On the other hand, the Egyptian cleric issued a statement recently, striking a conciliatory tone with the Gulf States. He said, “I like the Gulf States and their people also love me. I deal with them as one nation.”

The statement came days after the conclusion of Riyadh Agreement on Thursday to review the foreign and security policies adopted by the member states of the GCC in order not to harm the interests of the other countries.

Qaradawy added, “My position does not reflect the position adopted by the Qatari government, while I do not have a formal position in the government to express its visions.”

In the same context, sources told Al-Arab Newspaper that the Saudi authorities intend to deal with the International Union of Muslim Scholars as a terrorist organization due to its relations with the Muslim Brotherhood and its role as a cover to their activities.