• 02:49
  • Thursday ,24 April 2014

Brotherhood activist praises police assassination

By-Almasry Alyoum

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Thursday ,24 April 2014

Brotherhood activist praises police assassination

Pro-Muslim Brotherhood activist Ahmed al-Mogheer praised the death of Brigadier Ahmed Zaki, who was killed on Wednesday as bomb blasted under his car at 6 October City.Pro-Muslim Brotherhood activist Ahmed al-Mogheer praised the death of Brigadier Ahmed Zaki, who was killed on Wednesday as bomb blasted under his car at 6 October City.

“The boys are becoming more creative. Instead of burning the policeman’s car, they leave him under the car a gift that is opened once he gets into it. The central security’s brigadier who handles the protests through live ammunition and arrests the youth died a while ago as his car was bombed once he got into,” Mogheer wrote on his Facebook account.
Mogheer also warned policemen to inspect their cars before getting in, adding, “If I were you, I wouldn’t have left home.”