• 12:12
  • Thursday ,24 April 2014

A love letter to the savior of Egypt

Gergis Wahib

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,24 April 2014

A love letter to the savior of Egypt

I send this message of love to Field Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi who has saved Egypt adn hopefully will be Egypt's next president.

Dear Sir, you have saved Egypt from the worst fascist regimes in the world, which would have converted Egypt to another Afghanistan or Iran. Terrorist groups that carry out attacks against Egypt's police and army would have settled in Sinai to train its elements.
It would have taken one more year to replace the Egyptian army with elements from al-Qaeda. Furthermore, leaders of the terrorist groups would have taken offices of Interior Minister, director of intelligence and director of national security.
Al-Sisi has saved Egypt from such destruction and chaos, and should do his best to restore its position among all great countries once he comes in office.
First of all, he should repair the state administrative apparatus, and may even needs to explode it first. I advise him to replace those corrupted leaders of this apparatus by hundreds of military officers, especially in ministries of Supply and local Development, which became a way to lose millions of Egyptian Pounds.
This way, we should have a radical change as they are the source of scourge and corruption in the country. Those corrupted leaders have to be replaced by others who don't breathe corruption.
Promotions laws should be changed to allow young and efficient people to take official offices, and prevent supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood, just like president of Beni Suef University. 
It should be known that more than 99% of the nominated people to official offices are not good enough for take these offices, but the current law just empowers them.
Right now, we don't need mere directors. Rather, we need skilled leaders. Consider the chaos, encroachment on agricultural land and garbage in the streets. Those leaders got very old in their offices and have to be changed. It's now or never!