• 20:02
  • Monday ,28 April 2014

NASL calls for boycotting presidential elections

By the Cairo Post

Home News


Monday ,28 April 2014

NASL calls for boycotting presidential elections
The National Alliance to Support Legitimacy (NASL) issued a Sunday statement on its official Facebook page, calling for a boycott of the upcoming presidential elections, saying they “refuse to legitimize such a sham process.”
“The president’s post is not vacant,” they said, adding that “the first democratically elected president Mohamed Morsi is still the country’s legitimate president who came into office according to the popular will of the Egyptians and fair constitutional procedures.”
“We would not take part in such a farce to pave the way for a new crime,” the Alliance added.
“Morsi’s term did not expire, and what happened in Egypt was a military coup,” they added, describing Field Marshal Abdel Fatah al-Sisi as the mastermind of the coup. They also condemned the ouster of Egypt’s first democratically elected president by Egypt’s army.
Sisi announced on state television that he would run for president on March 26, after resigning from his ministerial position, following a meeting with the Supreme Council of Armed Forces attended by interim President Adly Mansour. Sisi is widely expected to win the presidential elections in the first round, to be held on May 26 and 27.
“We will boycott this farce and we call on all Egyptians inside and outside the country to boycott it,” the Alliance added.