• 07:14
  • Monday ,28 April 2014

Azhar’s grand sheikh says ready to support Hamas-Fatah reconciliation

By Egypt Independent

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Monday ,28 April 2014

Azhar’s grand sheikh says ready to support Hamas-Fatah reconciliation
Al-Azhar Grand Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayyeb congratulated the Palestinian people for the reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas. He also expressed support for any steps that contribute to restoring Palestine's legitimate rights, as well as the establishment of a Palestinian state.
In a statement on Sunday, Tayyeb said that Azhar closely followed the steps taken for the sake of the Palestinian reconciliation and ending division. He also said that he appreciates the efforts and demanded that they become real in order for the Palestinian citizen to feel the difference. 
He also added that Azhar is ready to support any steps that could achieve Palestinian national unity, as well as security and peace in the region and the world.
Last week, the two biggest Palestinian movements had announced that they reached an agreement over reconciliation that was earlier signed in Cairo and Doha, which includes forming a unified government, holding elections and ending division that has been ongoing since Hamas took control of Gaza and Fatah took control of the West Bank in 2007