• 22:09
  • Tuesday ,01 July 2014

Egyptian writer mock Daash declaration of the Islamic Caliphate

Amany Moussa

Top Stories


Tuesday ,01 July 2014

Egyptian writer mock Daash declaration of the Islamic Caliphate

Commenting on declaration of Daash terrorist organization's spokesperson  to establish the Islamic Caliphate, Egyptian writer Khalid Montaser said that the Islamists have now a golden chance to move to the Islamic Caliphate in Iraq and leave us to suffer under the “ Egyptian modern state”!Commenting on declaration of Daash terrorist organization's spokesperson  to establish the Islamic Caliphate, Egyptian writer Khalid Montaser said that the Islamists have now a golden chance to move to the Islamic Caliphate in Iraq and leave us to suffer under the “ Egyptian modern state”!

He mocked them saying that the bad people, namely the seculars, deserve such civil state.