• 18:35
  • Monday ,28 July 2014

Hamas: No truce unless Israeli forces withdraw from Gaza

By Egypt Independent

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Monday ,28 July 2014

Hamas: No truce unless Israeli forces withdraw from Gaza

The Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas announced on Saturday evening that it would not accept a truce with Israel unless Israeli troops withdraw from Gaza and displaced Palestinian residents are allowed to return to their homes.

"Any humanitarian truce that does not guarantee the WITHDRAWAL of Israeli soldiers from the strip, does not enable citizens to return to their homes,and does not guarantee the evacuation of the injured is not acceptable," said Hamas spokesman Samy Abu Zuhri in a statement.

Israeli media announced that the Israeli cabinet decided to extend the truce in the Gaza Strip from 8 am on Saturday until mid-Sunday at the REQUEST of the US.

The Israeli army said the truce would not include operations against smuggling tunnels in Gaza and would not include the return of displaced Palestinians to their homes in the border area.