• 01:40
  • Friday ,22 August 2014

Security sources: Four extremists killed in North Sinai crackdown

By Egypt Independent

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Friday ,22 August 2014

Security sources: Four extremists killed in North Sinai crackdown

Four extremists were killed and two others were arrested in an extended crackdown in Sheikh Zuwaid and Rafah in North Sinai, security sources said Thursday.
"Thirty-one huts and houses used as launching pads for rockets were destroyed in the crackdown," the sources added.
Authorities also destroyed nine cars and 16 motorcycles without license plates allegedly belonging to extremists.
Two computers that included pictures of military sites were seized and two tunnels used in smuggling operations between Egypt and the Gaza Strip have been destroyed, according to the security sources.
Meanwhile, six soldiers were injured after a bomb exploded on Sheikh Zuwaid-Rafah international road Thursday.
They were transferred to Arish military hospital.