• 23:50
  • Thursday ,11 September 2014

Child abuser at orphanage sentenced to 3 years in prison

By the Cairo Post

Home News


Thursday ,11 September 2014

Child abuser at orphanage sentenced to 3 years in prison

The Omraniah Misdemeanor Court Wednesday sentenced Osama Othman—a man charged with the torture of children in an orphanage he owned and managed—to three years in prison and a 1,000 EGP ($140) fine, Youm7 reported.

The case goes back to Aug. 3, when a video showing Othman beating children inside the Mecca al-Mukarama Organization for Orphans in Giza was leaked on social media networks.

Public outcry and the gathering of demonstrators outside the orphanage shortly after the video went viral pushed authorities to respond quickly. Othman was arrested and the orphanage shut down.

The video was uploaded to Youtube by Othman’s wife Elham Eid, who also worked as a manager at the orphanage, according to comments she made in a video published by Youm7. Minister of Solidarity Ghada Waly ordered the formation of a committee from the ministry to start transferring the children to other orphanages, and the immediate dissolution of Mecca al-Mukarama’s board of directors.