• 22:02
  • Wednesday ,08 October 2014

Pride gets married in the church her mother got married in, no license for the church yet!

Gergis Wahib

Top Stories


Wednesday ,08 October 2014

Pride gets married in the church her mother got married in, no license for the church yet!

Father Rezkallah Goda, priest of Archangel Michael and St. Anthony in Diabia said that after a Coptic lady got married in the church 19 years ago, and this week her daughter got married as well. The funny part is that no license was issued for the church yet.Father Rezkallah Goda, priest of Archangel Michael and St. Anthony in Diabia said that after a Coptic lady got married in the church 19 years ago, and this week her daughter got married as well. The funny part is that no license was issued for the church yet.

As the building of the Church of the Archangel Michael and St. Anthony in Diabia village, Beni Suef, became more life threatening, Father Rezkalla Goda decided to hold a wedding ceremony in the backyard of the church as it’s more safe!
The church was attacked and burned after the dispersal of Rabaa Adawia and Nahda sit-ins, but the officials in Beni Suef governorate are hindering the restoration process by all means. Yet, the governor of Beni Suef has not intervened to solve the problem.