• 17:07
  • Tuesday ,04 November 2014

Sisi to soon travel to Ethiopia for state visit: FM spox


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Tuesday ,04 November 2014

Sisi to soon travel to Ethiopia for state visit: FM spox

President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi will head to Addis Ababa for an official visit soon, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Badr Abdel Atty told The Cairo Post Monday.

Atty added the exact time of the visit is not yet determined, but Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry paid a visit there to attend the three-day fifth round of the joint Egyptian-Ethiopian Committee meetings Sunday.
Shoukry is also set to attend the opening of the Egyptian-Ethiopian Business Forum on Monday, in which more than 100 companies from both countries will participate, according to a statement from the Egyptian Foreign Ministry Monday.
The meetings come in light of improving relations between both sides after they became strained over the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on the Blue Nile. Ethiopia has said the dam is necessary for its development, but Cairo has claimed it will endanger Egypt’s share of Nile water.
The participant companies at the business forum will discuss ways to boost economic relations between both sides and increase trade volume, which currently stands at $220 million, the statement added.
Shoukry on his visit delivered his counterpart Tedros Adhanom a message from Sisi on the necessity of developing bilateral relations in all fields, according to another statement issued by the Foreign Ministry Monday.