• 01:33
  • Friday ,28 November 2014

28 November Salafist Front protests for men only

By Ahram Online

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Friday ,28 November 2014

28 November Salafist Front protests for men only

Salafist Front has called on its women supporters to stay at home during protests on Friday due to fears they will be attacked by the security forces.

"Our directive to our sisters and our daughters is to form revolutionary morale guidance groups online in order to combat the lies spread in the media," said a statement posted on its official Facebook page.

It called on women to cheer the protests from their balconies and document the event.

The Salafist Front is calling for nationwide protests as part of "The Muslim Youth Uprising" to restore Egypt's "Islamic identity."

Many Front members have been arrested since it began calling for the protests.
The Muslim Brotherhood, designated a terrorist group in December, has announced its support for the protests.
Enhanced security measures will be taken during the protests, the interior ministry and army have said.