• 10:08
  • Tuesday ,06 July 2010

3 opposition parties to join Egypt's vote

By-Ashraf Madbouli-EG

Home News


Thursday ,05 August 2010

3 opposition parties to join Egypt's vote

 CAIRO- Three major Egyptian oppostion have rebuffed calls for boycotting the forthcoming legislative and presidential elections.

   "Al Wafd Party is preparing to participate in the legislative elections," said Mohamed Sherdi, an MP of the liberal party. "We believe it is useless to leave the scene for the (ruling) National Democratic Party," he added.
Similar positions are adopted by the leftist Tagmuaa and Nasserist parties. The   National Coalition for Change, led by former chief of the UN nuclear watchdog Mohamed ElBaradei, has been pushing for the boycott of the legislative and presidential elections due next October and in September 2011 respectively.
 The pro-reform coalition says there are no guarantees that these elections will be fair.