• 22:24
  • Wednesday ,14 July 2010

Ethiopia seeks to reassure Egypt over Nile waters

By-Egypt News

Top Stories


Sunday ,11 July 2010

Ethiopia seeks to reassure Egypt over Nile waters

 Ethiopia has reassured Egypt that a new pact it signed with four other countries on the sharing of water from the River Nile will not harm Egypt

Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda in May signed the Nile Basin Cooperative Framework meant to replace a 1959 accord between Egypt and Sudan that gives them control of more than 90 percent of the water flow.
Ethiopian Foreign Minister Seyoum Mesfin said that "No one would be left disadvantageous as all riparian countries want to use resources in a reasonable manner... for development," according to the state-run Ethiopan News Agency
After talks on Wednesday with his Egypt's counterpart Ahmed Aboul Gheit, in Addis Ababa, Mesfin said that "This is a work in progress and we are hoping that we would continue negotiations to bridge the gap that exists in different capitals" 
Egypt and Sudan are opposed to the new treaty which they believe would reduce their share of the Nile water.