• 14:37
  • Tuesday ,20 July 2010

Egypt NAC protest over police torture killing

By-Egypt News

Home News


Tuesday ,20 July 2010

Egypt NAC protest over police torture killing

 Egyptian National Association for Change (NAC) in Egypt's province of Alexandria protest marking 40 days since the death of Khaled Saeed, the young Alexandrian allegedly killed by two policemen

Around 250 protesters convened, raising banners condemning the incident. The protest lasted an hour.
Participants included members of the NAC in Cairo and Alexandria, as well as representatives from Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood opposition group and Kefaya—including Hassan Nafaa, George Ishaq, and Mahmoud el-Khodeiry—and the Ghad Party.
Also present were former MP Abul Ezz el-Hariri and MB MP Mostafa Mohamed. The participants called for a peaceful change of the regime.
El-Khodeiry said it was time for Egyptians to reject the rigging of elections, adding that the upcoming election should either be supervised by the judiciary or the United Nations.
Ishaq said the purpose of the protest was to send the message that anybody who assaults Egyptians will be punished, adding that he has the names of officers involved in the torture of Egyptians in prison.
Ishaq described the killing of Khaled Saeed as a flagrant example of torture in Egypt. He called for the signing of the NAC’s pro-reform statement in order to fight corruption.
Hassan Nafaa added that the NAC will work on bringing those who tortured Khaled Saeed to justice. Nafaa denied claims that the MB is trying to control the NAC, saying that these claims are intended to create a rift between members of the NAC.