• 03:33
  • Friday ,20 February 2015

Soldier killed, officer injured after being targeted by ‘terrorists’ in Suez

By The Cairo Post

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Friday ,20 February 2015

Soldier killed, officer injured after being targeted by ‘terrorists’ in Suez

A soldier was killed Wednesday night and officer injured after being targeted by anonymous “terrorists” in Suez, military sources told Youm7 Wednesday night.A soldier was killed Wednesday night and officer injured after being targeted by anonymous “terrorists” in Suez, military sources told Youm7 Wednesday night.

It was added that the shooting happened as they were inside a police car; the alleged terrorists opened fire and then fled.
Police and military forces have been increasingly targeted since the ouster of former president Mohamed Morsi and the dispersal of Rabaa Al-Adaweya and Nahda sit-ins, especially in the Sinai Peninsula.
On Oct. 24, 31 soldiers were killed in an attack on soldiers in North Sinai’s Arish province, leading to a wide-spread state of emergency as well as a curfew from 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. Shortly following the attacks, Egypt announced it would institute a 1-km wide buffer zone along the border with the Gaza Strip in Rafah, and displace more than 1,000 families.
On Jan. 29, more than 30 soldiers were killed in a series of attacks in Sinai; Ansar Bayt Al-Maqdis announced their responsibility for it on their twitter account.