• 06:02
  • Friday ,06 March 2015

What is the way?

Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Saturday ,07 March 2015

What is the way?

I believe we are living in political hassle. We wake up everyday to find a new disaster that's not just bombs exploding, but also in a political meaning. The court last week declared that the election law is unconstitutional and 2 days after that incident, the court declared that the law that prevents expatriates from being a member in parliament is also unconstitutional. 


This political hassle we live in requires the regime to solve all of these problems, otherwise, the nation will start to lose hope in making any progress in the situation. 


We are all are waiting for the parliamentary elections as one of the main key in completing the road map that will lead us to having a real political regime. Regardless if the political powers are united or not, I believe we cannot wait more than that to have an elected parliament. 


All the world is looking now and waiting to see if the president will help in having a real parliament that could supervise the government or we will just end up with a president that has all the powers in his hand. 


The way to have progress is to hold a fair parliamentary election. If the president believes in democracy, he will do his best to accomplish this step, becuase the parliament is one of the main kesy of any democratic process.