• 08:48
  • Monday ,23 March 2015

2 killed while planting explosive device in Sharqiya - state agency

By Aswat Masriya

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Monday ,23 March 2015

2 killed while planting explosive device in Sharqiya - state agency
Two people were killed while attempting to plant an improvised explosive device near the local council of Sharqiya's city of Ibrahimiya on Saturday night, reported the state news agency MENA.Two people were killed while attempting to plant an improvised explosive device near the local council of Sharqiya's city of Ibrahimiya on Saturday night, reported the state news agency MENA.
A security source told MENA a third assailant was injured in the blast. He was transferred to hospital and placed under maximum security.
Security forces combed the area of the explosion, the source told MENA, adding that no other explosive devices were found.
Militancy in Egypt has seen a significant rise since July 2013, after the ouster of Islamist President Mohamed Mursi following mass protests against his rule.
While most attacks target security forces in North Sinai, bombings and shootings have also been carried out elsewhere including in Cairo.