• 10:46
  • Monday ,30 March 2015

Issues on the table of Arab leaders at Sharm El-Sheikh summit

By Ahram Online

Home News


Monday ,30 March 2015

Issues on the table of Arab leaders at Sharm El-Sheikh summit
Participants at the Arab Summit in Sharm El-Sheik are discussing a number of points to agree upon by Saturday, which will be announced publicly later.
Egypt has submitted a draft resolution to form a joint Arab force that countries could voluntarily contribute to.
Ahram Online obtained the document containing other areas of discussion at the summit. Below are a list of the most relevant talking points:
- The importance of supporting and backing the legitimate authorities in Yemen, under President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi.
- The importance and necessity of a unified Yemen.
- Rejection and condemnation of the actions taken by the Houthi militants.
- Full support for the military actions taken by the coalition headed by Saudi Arabia to defend Yemen's internationally recognised president.
- Demands for the Houthis to leave Sanaa and other cities immediately.
- A reiteration that most Arab nations stand by Yemen's internationally recognised government.
- The importance of taking the necessary measures to reveal the human crisis in Yemen.
- A call to member countries in the Arab League and the international community to support Yemen politically and economically.