• 20:23
  • Monday ,18 May 2015

Camp David

J.M Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Monday ,18 May 2015

Camp David

Ex-president Sadat R.I.P last accomplishment before being assassinated in the middle of his own people while celebrating his best accomplishment the 6th October victory! I re-iterate Camp David was his last accomplishment that completely liberated Sinai and as well Gaza being recognised as an occupied territory more over couple of days ago it was the memorial of Palestine occupation!

I’m lost is this real or my head is spinning? Time after time USA and its Intelligence CIA keep targeting Egypt and the middle East trying to segment it to more tiny countries!
History tell us at the beginning of time tribes would raid over other tribes to conquer them so that they can use their resources! God distributed with his own wisdom those resources so that no one would monopolise all resources and others just have nothing, However, greediness of people pushed them to raid and conquer other tribes for more resources over the blood of its original owners! But as you do it will be done to you those conquerors over time become the targets of other more powerful raiders and it could be an endless massacre for resources if God had not gave the wisdom to people to discover they could obtain those resources in exchange of their their own resources and no need to kill each other and TRADE started!
BEING my resource and market in the same time required association and becoming allies, then unified! The most powerful kingdom of old times itself was unity of several smaller kingdoms that fought each other for years before realising they could achieve better results being unified and with their unity they almost conquered most of the world to the point in their kingdom Sun Shine would never be down!
Unity means power, a fact ex-president Nasser R.I.P. Realised and tried to grow up uniting with other powers to create a greater power! He united with Syria helped many other countries around like Algeria, Yemen and even extended his activity to India, and Yugoslav creating the neutral alliance between West under the leadership of USA and east under the leadership of the USNU the united Soviet Union!
Recalling the old well known story of the old man who had a bunch of wooden sticks and gathered his sons giving each one a single stick asking him to break it then gave the whole bunch to them and asked them to break it and all fell!
We keep forgetting this simple fact unity is power and for personal ambiguities we try to overlook that thinking this is an advantage and no one is hurt but in fact you hurt yourself isolating yourself from the powers of the unity!
Examples are countless starting with a far away but close to us country India! Pakistan was portion of one of the richest countries India cut of it, but did this preserve peace? No they still have targets and attack India! Pakistan itself got segmented into Taliban kingdom within a kingdom and go on! Korea become North and South Korea and who knows may be in the future will have East and west Korea!
Let us come back closer look in Europe the Check Republic, Bosnia, Slovakia and many more not to talk of the blood shied to create those countries! Even Spain lost a portion of it that belongs by the choice of its people and free elections they decided to join the United Kingdom rather than the original Spain! And so on!
I still can not see clearly who is behind this theory of cutting and segmenting countries lived for ages as one then they decided they can not be one any more! 
The closest expatiation is weapons; if I have to protect South of Sudan from its North then we need weapons to defend it! But North of Sudan as well needs protection regardless protection from whom! This is the human nature, in your own house you secure your home from intruders with locks, if someone tries to break the lock you will run to the kitchen looking for a knife -or WEAPON- could be the hammer or any heavy object you think it will help you defend yourself!
Is it a trade policy? The more small little countries the more markets? Does it mean Weapon Industry is controlling marketing policies, or Economy world wide depends on weapons?
Let us have a real and realistic view around us in this world since ever killing is incriminated by the law the constitution, and society; Did this stop killing murdering and had killers disappeared from our world?  This is one aspect of illegal activities not to talk of stealing and fraud, or the more dangerous Drugs? Drugs traffic is illegal, the drugs are planted or grow wildly all over the earth but farmers too grow it up for a faster way to wealth but to convert drugs the wealth you need a market full of consumers! And the underground world of drugs starts, but this underground world is in continuous endless war with the law and war needs weapons!
Police force to enforce laws needs power this power means WEAPONS!
Wars need a winner to impose his point of view but it is not always the case! Japan was demolished and received first ever atomic bombs, did that make Japan to vanish from the earth? You can impose your will for a while with weapons but the unstoppable will of people will rise back again, if power could reign for ever how come the most powerful animal earth ever got to know Dinosaurs disappeared? Same with weapons that have limited capacity -six bullets, or fast multi bullet gun limited with the number of bullets in it!- how to impose your will once out of ammunition? Kings, presidents and Emperors would had remained in power for ever if the will of people would had fell and no revolutions would had ever existed!
However, weapons still the easiest way to protect your powers! The underground world of drugs did not win the war with the law but did not disappear facing the whole world! Iran under sanctions for over than 6 years, still could develop nuclear power and keep going in their researches, again this is the will of people facing weapons! So bottom line is weapons will not impose the will of those who have the weapons but is still the easiest way out!
I pointed out last week that the United Nations failed to preserve the peace in lot of cases mean time enforced peace under weapons would not last! Israel secured lines could not stop the will of the Egyptian solder to liberate his land! This is the name of the game now with latests of technology, internet and communications -BREAK THE WILL OF PEOPLE- how? Spreading rumours, false news, and making you believe you discovered a hidden truth no one else noticed it! All those means are for the 4th generation wars! The War Lords of Weapon Manufacturers finally discovered the weakness of their arsenal towards people desires they had to innovate new means to isolate them! To divide them so that the old old principal is revived again Divide to Rule!
Camp David is another example of divide to rule, the united Arab Defence Force was a clear and present danger we need to Isolate the main factor EGYPT from it!
CIA intelligence proved time after time they do luck intelligence facing the blessings of God to Egypt and Egyptians Egypt that host a sacred holly place where Mosses received the ten commandments from God is not going to be the toy of CIA and conspiracies involving Egypt! The Arab spring that turned to be American Winter is going to storm the failed CIA calculations that ignored God and his blessings to the Egyptians and one day the power of love will overcome the love of power till then May Peace of the lord be with you ALL!