• 04:11
  • Tuesday ,10 August 2010

Egypt's Wafd against hereditary succession


Home News


Tuesday ,10 August 2010

Egypt's Wafd against hereditary succession

 CAIRO- Al Wafd, Egypt's largest liberal party, Sunday night said it opposed hereditary succession in Egypt. "Egypt is not a building or property to be passed on from one person to another," el-Sayed el-Badawi, the chairman of the party told a rally of Egypt's opposition on potential guarantees for elections. 


Egyptians will elect a new legislature next November while presidential elections are due to be held later in 2011.

   "We will not accept hereditary succession," he added. Opposition claims that President Hosni Mubarak, who has been in power since 1982, is grooming his younger son Gamal to succeed him.

    Both Mubaraks have vehemently denied such claims. Mubarak has yet to say if he will seek a sixth term.