• 16:34
  • Wednesday ,03 June 2015

2 Brotherhood figures referred to State Security prosecution - source

By Aswat Masriya

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Wednesday ,03 June 2015

2 Brotherhood figures referred to State Security prosecution - source
Two Muslim Brotherhood figures were referred to State Security prosecution shortly after their arrests, a security source said on Tuesday.  Two Muslim Brotherhood figures were referred to State Security prosecution shortly after their arrests, a security source said on Tuesday.  
The two Brotherhood leaders Mahmoud Ghozlan and Abdelrahman al-Barr were arrested from an apartment on the outskirts of Cairo on Monday, a Ministry of Interior source said.
Ghozlan once served as a Brotherhood spokesman, while Barr issued rulings on religous matters for the group. 
They were said to be on their way to escape to Sudan and were found in possession of large sums of money.
The source added that they will be investigated for involvement in inciting violence, rioting and protesting. 
The arrests came hours after Egypt's apparatuses made an announcement yesterday about the discovery of a Brotherhood cell tasked with collecting intelligence information and passing it to group leaders abroad. 
A large number of the people involved were arrested, the statement said. 
Egypt listed the Brotherhood as a terrorist organisation in December 2013 and insists it is behind the stringent wave of militancy which has targeted security personnel since the ouster of former Islamist President Mohamed Mursi.
The Brotherhood continuously denies the accusations.
Most of the group's leaders have been placed behind bars and put on trial since July 2013, when Mursi was removed from power by the military following mass protests against his rule.