• 17:14
  • Tuesday ,28 July 2015

Egypt seeks Guinness World Record recognition for longest flag


Home News


Tuesday ,28 July 2015

Egypt seeks Guinness World Record recognition for longest flag

Egypt is putting together a12 kilometer-long flag in a bid to set a new Guinness world record and promote the upcoming inauguration of the new Suez Canal project scheduled for August 6, Youm7 reported Sunday.

In a tour set to cover Egypt’s 27 governorates, the flag arrived in Upper Egypt’s governorate in Aswan Sunday where hundreds of people gathered to place their signatures and celebrate the event.
The idea first started by members from the Union of Societies for People with Disabilities and the Egypt 2020 institution, with the participation of more than  500 organizations bidding to collect 54,000 signatures from Egyptians across the country.
“Each of Egypt’s 27 governorates is to participate by providing 450 meters of the flag which bears the signatures of 1000 people with disabilities,” Chairperson of the Union in Aswan Mervat el-Semman told Misr al-Balad news website on July 11.
Aswan governorate has finished its own part of the flag, which was signed first by Egypt’s Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab, during his visit to the governorate a few weeks ago, Semman said.
The new 72-kilometer long Suez Canal is expected to increase annual revenues from $5 billion to $13.5 billion by 2023.