• 14:47
  • Monday ,28 September 2015

Al-Sisi to meet UN’s Ban, Ethiopia’s Desalegn


Home News


Monday ,28 September 2015

Al-Sisi to meet UN’s Ban, Ethiopia’s Desalegn

President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi is holding talks on Sunday, the third day of his visit to the US, with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and a number of world leaders.

Al-Sisi will start the day with a televised interview for US network PBS in the New York Palace, where the president is staying during his visit.
The interview was followed by a meeting with Ban, with Al-Sisi then meeting with Senegalese President Macky Sall. Afterwards, the Egyptian president will join the UN Secretary General again for a meeting with a number of Heads of State to discuss climate change.
Al-Sisi will also meet with Dutch premier Mark Rutte and Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn.
The president has had a full schedule since his arrival in New York on Thursday. On Friday, Al-Sisi delivered a speech at the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) summit, held in the presence of delegations from at least 190 countries. During the summit, Al-Sisi opted to shed light on “other challenges which hinder development”, such as terrorism, which he said has become an international phenomenon.
Also on Friday, Al-Sisi met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, where he emphasised Egyptian-German relations, and noted the “positive role German companies have played in Egypt’s development by working to implement projects as quickly as possible, ensuring that the highest standards of quality are met, and demonstrating a necessary understanding to reduce project costs”.
One of Al-Sisi’s highest profile meetings occurred early on Monday with former US president Bill Clinton and head of the World Bank Jim Yong Kim. During his meeting with Clinton, Al-Sisi outlined the challenges the Middle East faces in terms of terrorism and extremism. He reiterated to the latter that Egypt’s economic reform efforts represent a will to achieve inclusive development.