• 15:23
  • Tuesday ,29 September 2015

Militants in Amiriya escalate violence against Copts


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Tuesday ,29 September 2015

Militants in Amiriya escalate violence against Copts

Fanatics in Amiriya village, Alexandria, stoned the church of St. Mary and the Church of St. George as the police were trying return a piece of land to a Christian man that was seized by a Muslim family.Fanatics in Amiriya village, Alexandria, stoned the church of St. Mary and the Church of St. George as the police were trying return a piece of land to a Christian man that was seized by a Muslim family.

The litigation was turned into a sectarian strife using the microphones of the mosque. The Muslim family is still controlling the land refusing to respect the law and threatening to force the Copts out of the village.
It’s worth mentioning that the Muslim family tried to attack security forces. A member of the family was killed in exchanging fire with police, but his family claims the Christian family is responsible for his death!