• 08:32
  • Tuesday ,07 September 2010

TV commentator to stand trial for FM slander

By-Doaa Soliman

Home News


Tuesday ,07 September 2010

TV commentator to stand trial for FM slander

CAIRO-Egypt's Chief Prosecutor Abdel Meguid Mahmoud Sunday referred to a criminal court TV commentator Hamdi Qandil on charges of slandering Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit.


Abul Gheit had filed an official complaint to prosecutors after Qandil, an opponent to the Egyptian Government, wrote an article in an independent newspaper, which the official found slanderous.

   Qandil, a maverick TV personality, is a senior official in the National Coalition for Change, led by Mohamed ElBaradei, the former chief of the international atomic watchdog.

     Qandil used to present a show on official Egyptian TV before his controversial programme was taken off the air. Later he presented similar shows on Dubai and Libyan TV channels, which were also banned allegedly for his severe criticism of the Egyptian and Arab governments.