• 10:10
  • Wednesday ,14 October 2015

Egyptian Christian TV channel director briefly detained, equipment confiscated


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Wednesday ,14 October 2015

Egyptian Christian TV channel director briefly detained, equipment confiscated

Egyptian censorship authorities detained on Saturday the director of the Christian TV channel SAT-7 and confiscated studio equipment, on charges of operating without a licence, the channel said on Monday.Egyptian censorship authorities detained on Saturday the director of the Christian TV channel SAT-7 and confiscated studio equipment, on charges of operating without a licence, the channel said on Monday.

The channel released a statement on its website which announces that Farid Samir, director of its Egypt office, was detained for six hours and released pending investigations.
On Sunday there was a hearing at the prosecutor's office, but no ruling has been made.
A prosecution ruling will be made in the next few days and meanwhile the channel's equipment will remain confiscated, the statement announces.
"The confiscated equipment remains in police custody and the activities of SAT-7 in Egypt have been severely disrupted," the statement reads.
The statement also highlighted that "the work of SAT-7 Egypt is carried out under the legal umbrella of the Coptic Evangelical Church but its services are in support of all the Church denominations in Egypt."