• 20:23
  • Tuesday ,08 December 2015

A message by the president to Egyptian police

Michel Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Tuesday ,08 December 2015

A message by the president to Egyptian police
The visit of the President to the Egyptian police last Thursday was a strong message to enemies of Egypt who tried to affect the relation between the people and police in Egypt after several claims that police torture the people!
Such visit came to appreciate the effort of policemen and to assure that several individual incidents won’t affect the good relation between police and the people.
The President added that Egyptian police work under pressure and are willing to sacrifice in order to achieve our safety. 
Egyptian police and army are working hard to achieve such goal. They have never attached mercenaries and only allow honorable Muslim and Christian people to join the forces.
Dear Egyptians, never allow such evil schemes to break your good relations with your police and army. They are part of the Egyptian family.