• 03:29
  • Thursday ,17 December 2015

Soldier killed by suicide bomber in Arish


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Thursday ,17 December 2015

Soldier killed by suicide bomber in Arish

A soldier was killed in Arish, North Sinai after a suicide bomber detonated his explosive belt during a security campaign Tuesday, Youm7 reported.A soldier was killed in Arish, North Sinai after a suicide bomber detonated his explosive belt during a security campaign Tuesday, Youm7 reported.

As security forces were raiding a shack west of Arish, the bomber detonated his explosive, security sources told Youm7.
Security raids have been ongoing since Monday, after an officer was injured due to an explosive device that detonated near his armored vehicle in Arish.
Dozens of “terrorist hubs,” shacks and small homes allegedly used by militants were destroyed in the process.
On Dec. 8, an officer and three conscripts were killed and four others injured after a roadside bomb detonated on a highway in Rafah.
Hundreds of Egyptian soldiers were killed over a number of attacks since the 2013 ouster of President Mohamed Morsi. The most recent wide-scale attack in North Sinai was carried out July 1, killing 17 soldiers; some 200 militants were killed during and after the clashes, according to the military.
The attacks in North Sinai are mostly perpetrated by the Sinai Province, an affiliated of the Islamic State group.