• 02:24
  • Wednesday ,01 June 2016

Libya oil guard says second town captured from Islamic State


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Wednesday ,01 June 2016

Libya oil guard says second town captured from Islamic State

A force that controls oil terminals in eastern Libya said on Tuesday it had gained further ground against Islamic State, taking a second town in as many days east of the militant group’s stronghold o f Sirte.A force that controls oil terminals in eastern Libya said on Tuesday it had gained further ground against Islamic State, taking a second town in as many days east of the militant group’s stronghold o f Sirte.

The Petroleum Facilities Guard (PFG) is in full control of Nawfiliyah, about 130 km (80 miles) east of Sirte, and has not suffered any losses, spokesman Ali al-Hassi said. The PFG captured the nearby town of Ben Jawad on Monday after clashes that left five of its fighters dead.