• 12:40
  • Wednesday ,10 August 2016

Coptic Church performs a patriotic role in Africa, MP


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Wednesday ,10 August 2016

Coptic Church performs a patriotic role in Africa, MP
Egyptian church performs a major role to cooperate with the African countries and especially the Nile Basin countries, said MP Abdel-Rehim Ali on Wednesday.
He praised the role of Coptic Patriarch, Pope Tawadros II and the patriotic position that he adopted since his ascent to St. Mark See in 2012
He signaled to the efforts exerted by the Coptic Church to increase its activities in Africa during the recent period, including the opening of a new church in Uganda, in the framework of a plan to extend the influence in the Nile Basin region.
Pope Tawadros managed to strengthen the relation between his church and the Ethiopian church during the recent years, said Ali, expressing his appreciation to the dialogue between the two churches to restore Deir El-Sultan illegally seized by Israel.
The Egyptian parliamentarian called on the Arab League and other international organizations for interfering to force the Israeli government to abandon Deir El-Sultan and to prevent it from Judaizing the Muslim and Christian holy places.