• 11:46
  • Thursday ,11 August 2016

Forget about your problems and start serving God!

Mena Habeeb

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,11 August 2016

Forget about your problems and start serving God!

In Egypt, we have several economic problems that many people think they will not be able to provide food for their children very soon with the increasing prices. However, the majority of those people forget about such problems and prefer to think about sectarian issues like building churches and football games between Ahli and Zamalik.

The regimes in Egypt used to incite such sectarianism among the Egyptian people till the people became ready to do that on their own. It’s amazing to see people who don’t have enough food and medicine for their children only complaining about building a new church in their village, in which God is going to be worshipped!
It’s clear that sectarianism became more of a solution for the government in Egypt rather than a problem. Yet, I wonder how come the people are not doing their best to build their country in the critical moment and start demolishing the properties of their neighbors instead. 
Yes Jesus had said that people are going to kill Christians thinking they are serving God, but it’s hard to believe that they will hurt themselves and demolish their country thinking they are serving God!