• 02:07
  • Monday ,15 August 2016

Egypt, Congo to cooperate in training of army and police


Home News


Monday ,15 August 2016

Egypt, Congo to cooperate in training of army and police

 Representatives of Egypt and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) agreed during talks in Cairo to boost mutual ties and cooperate in military and police training, Egypt's foreign ministry said.

Egypt's Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry and Congo's intelligence chief Khalev Mutondo held talks in the Egyptian capital on Sunday during which they discussed mutual ties and recent regional developments.
During the Cairo talks, both sides discussed means to bolster mutual cooperation as well as collaboration between the army and police forces, the ministry said in a statement late on Sunday.
Mutondo carried a message to President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi from President Joseph Kabila on the current situation in Congo and the government's efforts to hold presidential polls, the statement added.
Anti-government demonstrators and world powers have been pressuring Kabila, who has been in power since his father was assassinated in 2001, to step down when his mandate ends in November and call elections to choose a successor.
But Kabila's government has said logistical problems may force a delay and have called for a "national dialogue" on the vote.