• 11:12
  • Friday ,09 September 2016

Egypt welcomes Syria truce deal, calls on all parties to adhere to ceasefire


Home News


Sunday ,11 September 2016

Egypt welcomes Syria truce deal, calls on all parties to adhere to ceasefire

 Egypt welcomed Saturday a US-Russia sponsored truce in war-torn Syria, and called on all parties to adhere to the ceasefire, scheduled to take effect across all Syria Monday, a foreign affairs ministry statement read.

Egypt called the deal "a first step towards reaching a comprehensive and permanent in all Syria cities, whilst still targeting terrorist elements."
"Abiding by the cease-fire deal would put an end to the human suffering that the Syrian population undergoes as a result of ongoing violence and fighting," the statement added.
Egypt said it also looks forward to the return of political talks, with all Syrian factions involved.
Cairo has repeatedly advocated for a political solution in the face of over five years of political turmoil in Syria.
Following the announcement of the deal on Friday, US Secretary of State John Kerry told the press that the deal is a potential "turning point" in a conflict that has killed as many as 500,000 people, if complied with by Syria's Russian-backed government and US-supported rebel groups.