• 12:16
  • Wednesday ,26 October 2016

A critical question!

Ashraf Dous

Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,26 October 2016

A critical question!

When will we stop lying to ourselves? It’s known that Ahmed Shafiq has not lost the presidential elections. He was to be announced winner and the Muslim Brotherhood was about hold demonstrations against such announcement. Many reports said that the terrorist group planned to spread chaos in Egypt and kill many innocent people. 

Hamas has killed many Egyptians, attacked our police stations and our soldiers in Sinai. We know this but don’t talk about it because of the painful truth.
The SCAF put pressure on the Supreme Committee for Elections to declare Mohamed Morsy winner of the presidential elections.
America and Qatar supported Morsy and his group. Ahmed Shafiq was accused of belonging to the Mubarak’s regime. He was also accused of Illicit gain, but was acquitted later.
In fact, Shafiq knows a lot, but the SCAF may have saved Egypt from bloodshed and chose by such decision to declare Dr. Mohamed Morsy winner of the presidential elations. Politics is filthy, but we have to reveal the facts that we know and stop lying to ourselves.